I’m wrapping up 2015 by posting our mid-year newsletter first: I was thrilled to return to Chongqing this past April with FINDING KUKAN’s producer/editor Shirley Thompson and our translator/advisor Daxing Zhang to complete an historic transfer of KUKAN to China 74 years after it was first released in America.

Zhou Yong and Robin Lung complete historic transfer of KUKAN to China.
After my July 2014 trip to Chongqing, Professor Zhou Yong, head of The Chongqing Research Center for the War of Resistance, immediately recognized the great historic value of KUKAN. He began working with us to acquire a copy of the film, and after 9 months of detailed email exchanges back and forth, we finally succeeded in reaching an agreement. The transfer helps bring a big part of missing history to China by making it possible for people all over China to watch KUKAN for the first time and to study it and write about it for many years to come. In Chongqing and Beijing, we watched KUKAN bring tears to people’s eyes as they viewed it. It was a moving testament to the power of film, and I have to thank our many supporters for that experience. Click HERE for more photos from our trip.

Shirley Thompson, Daxing Zhang, and Robin Lung
While in China we received news that the National Endowment for the Arts awarded FINDING KUKAN with a Media Arts grant. We are very proud to receive this honor which places us in the same group as hallowed institutions like Lincoln Center and The Met. The award meant that we could finally produce and film the historical montages we’ve been planning with our creative partners ShadowLight Productions and Chris Do of Blind design studio. Check Part 2 of our 2015 wrap up for a report on our July adventure into shadowland.