Tag Archives: FINDING KUKAN trailer

December 1 to 31, 2011 — Producer/Director Robin Lung Featured on Career Changers TV

Although I’m more com­fort­able being behind the cam­era than in front of it, I agreed to be pro­filed on OC 16’s Career Chang­ers TV show in order to get the word out about FINDING KUKAN.  Pro­duc­er Rich Figel and Cameraman/Editor Stan Chang man­aged to boil my life of job-hop­ping down to a suc­cinct 4 min­utes or so.  Even bet­ter, the lead in and out of the piece made peo­ple real­ly want to see the work-in-progress trail­er and learn more about KUKAN.  The show airs through Decem­ber on dig­i­tal chan­nel 16 or 1016 in Hawaii.  The show is rebroad­cast Fri 2:30pm, Sat 6:30pm, Sun 12:30am, Mon 9:00am, and Wed 2pm and Thur 8:30pm through Decem­ber.  If you can’t catch it, here is a low res­o­lu­tion version.


You can see the nice lead up to the trail­er here.  And a fab­u­lous arti­cle Rich wrote about “The Mys­tery of Li Ling-Ai” here.

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December 12, 2011 — Gifts from the Blogosphere Part II

Besides the beau­ti­ful KUKAN lob­by card, blog­ger Duri­an Dave also sent this evoca­tive pho­to of Li Ling-Ai. 

Li Ling-Ai arrives in LA for KUKAN pub­lic­i­ty tour, 1941

She is caught debark­ing a Unit­ed Air­lines plane in Los Ange­les, arriv­ing from New York where she had moved in 1939 or 1940.  She was in town for the Los Ange­les pre­miere of KUKAN at the Esquire The­ater on Fairfax. 

KUKAN pre­miered at the Esquire The­ater in Los Ange­les on August 15, 1941

Sad­ly, the Esquire The­ater was pur­chased In 1953 Can­ter’s Deli pur­chased the the­ater.  The won­der­ful mar­quee is miss­ing, but sup­pos­ed­ly you can still see rem­nants of the old the­ater in the inte­ri­or while eat­ing your sand­which (an activ­i­ty I have yet to do).   The cap­tion on the back of the pho­to quotes Li Ling-Ai as say­ing “No mat­ter how long nor how hard the strug­gle, Chi­na will win its unde­clared war with Japan. It is grave­ly con­cerned at the threat to the Bur­ma Road con­tained in Japan­ese occu­pa­tion of Indo-Chi­na, but nonethe­less confident.”

It is great proof of the part that Li Ling-Ai played in help­ing to pub­li­cize the film KUKAN and keep the gen­er­al pub­lic aware of what was going on in Chi­na at the time. 

Ling-Ai’s ear­ly affin­i­ty for air­plane trav­el and her desire to learn to fly a plane was one of the first things that impressed me about her.  Pri­or to find­ing KUKAN I had­n’t heard of any Chi­nese women tak­ing to the skies ala Amelia Earhardt.  While research­ing the era, how­ev­er, I’ve dis­cov­ered that there were sev­er­al Chi­nese women who were not­ed pilots in the 30’s — Lee Ya Ching, Mag­gie Gee and Hazel Ying Lee to name a few. 

Thanks to Duri­an Dav­e’s blog– I’ve dis­cov­ered anoth­er Chi­nese Amer­i­can woman who by the looks of this pho­to was not only an ear­ly fly­er but an ear­ly movie direc­tor as well. 

Actress Olive Young behind the cam­era (cour­tesy Soft Film and Duri­an Dave)

Olive Young is bet­ter known as an actress who left her birth­place of Mis­souri to become a film star in Chi­na.  Unfor­tu­nate­ly she seems to have had a trag­ic end and lit­tle is known about her fim­mak­ing career.

Still I can’t help but be inspired by the pho­tographs of these ear­ly Chi­nese ground­break­ing women.  And I won­der what was in the air at the time that caused them to jump in cock­pits and take up cam­eras and attempt count­less oth­er dar­ing feats that had nev­er been attempt­ed by women before?  Thanks to the blo­gos­phere for mak­ing it eas­i­er to explore that time peri­od and find oth­er time-trav­el­ing souls.


May 16, 2011 — Bryan Pearson Records Narration for Fundraising Trailer

British stage actor Bryan Pear­son stepped in to record a few lines of nar­ra­tion for the Find­ing KUKAN fundrais­ing trail­er cur­rent­ly in its final edit.


Finding KUKAN narrator Bryan Pearson

Bryan Pear­son and Robin Lung go over lines of nar­ra­tion for the FINDING KUKAN fundrais­ing trailer.


Bri­an refers to him­self as the “orig­i­nal Ter­mi­na­tor” since he played Thor in the 1959 cult clas­sic Teenagers from Out­er Space under his stage name Bryan Grant.


Bryan Pearson aka Bryan Grant as Thor

Bryan Pear­son aka Bryan Grant as Thor in TEENAGERS FROM OUTER SPACE


I found Bri­an through a fas­ci­nat­ing loop of con­nec­tions that start­ed off when I inter­viewed war-time Chungk­ing jour­nal­ist Wing Yung Emery and sis­ter of Choy Wai Chuen, the first Chi­nese man to play at Wim­ble­don in 1948. The loop of con­nec­tion was made pos­si­ble by the dili­gence of Chris Essex, web­mas­ter for Fram­ling­ham Col­lege alum­ni. Fram­ling­ham was the prep acad­e­my that Choy Wai Chuen and Bryan Pear­son both went to.

Anoth­er eye-open­ing zig in the amaz­ing zig-zag jour­ney I’ve had since find­ing KUKAN.

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January 2011 — Work on the Fundraising Trailer Begins

Ron Darby on set

Ron Dar­by sets up for an interview

Cam­era­man Ron Dar­by and Pro­duc­er Robin Lung begin film­ing inter­views and b‑roll in Hawaii for the Find­ing KUKAN fundrais­ing trailer.

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