British stage actor Bryan Pearson stepped in to record a few lines of narration for the Finding KUKAN fundraising trailer currently in its final edit.

Bryan Pearson and Robin Lung go over lines of narration for the FINDING KUKAN fundraising trailer.
Brian refers to himself as the “original Terminator” since he played Thor in the 1959 cult classic Teenagers from Outer Space under his stage name Bryan Grant.
I found Brian through a fascinating loop of connections that started off when I interviewed war-time Chungking journalist Wing Yung Emery and sister of Choy Wai Chuen, the first Chinese man to play at Wimbledon in 1948. The loop of connection was made possible by the diligence of Chris Essex, webmaster for Framlingham College alumni. Framlingham was the prep academy that Choy Wai Chuen and Bryan Pearson both went to.
Another eye-opening zig in the amazing zig-zag journey I’ve had since finding KUKAN.