Category Archives: Producer Robin Lung

April 2010 — Only copy of KUKAN Arrives at AMPAS for Restoration

Robin Lung & Leigh Mierke prepare to film the initial inspection of KUKAN at AMPAS

Robin Lung & Leigh Mierke pre­pare to film the ini­tial inspec­tion of KUKAN at AMPAS

Pro­duc­er Robin Lung trav­els to Los Ange­les to film the arrival of the only known full print of the 1941 Oscar-win­ning doc­u­men­tary KUKAN at the Acad­e­my Motion Pic­ture Arts and Sci­ences Film Archives in Los Ange­les. Pre­vi­ous­ly “lost” for decades, the print is bad­ly dam­aged and needs a full restoration.

An inter­view with AMPAS doc­u­men­tary cura­tor Ed Carter reveals inter­est­ing facts about the film, but leaves many ques­tions unanswered.

Ed Carter inspecting KUKAN film reel

AMPAS doc­u­men­tary cura­tor Ed Carter inspects KUKAN film reel


Film­ing at AMPAS was made pos­si­ble by the gen­er­ous help of fel­low doc­u­men­tary pro­duc­er Rebec­ca Boz­zo (Frank Borzage, Direc­tor) and cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er Leigh Mierke.

My dear friend and tal­ent­ed musi­cian John Zain­er pitched in as sound man.

Leigh Mierke and John Zainer film Ed Carter opening KUKAN shipping box.
Leigh Mierke and John Zain­er film Ed Carter open­ing KUKAN ship­ping box.
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