Anna May Wong — Frost­ed Yel­low Wil­lows is Elaine Mae Woo’s doc­u­men­tary film about the leg­endary Chi­nese-Amer­i­can actress.

Deep Focus Pro­duc­tions — Film­mak­er Arthur Dong has pro­duced sev­er­al excel­lent doc­u­men­taries about Chi­nese-Amer­i­cans. His recent film Hol­ly­wood Chi­nese chron­i­cles depic­tions of Chi­nese in fea­ture films.


LIFE IS FOR A LONG TIME by Li Ling-Ai chron­i­cles the Ling-Ai’s par­ents Li Khai Fai and Kong Tai Heong, Chi­nese doc­tors who immi­grat­ed to Hawaii in the late 1800’s.

THE CHINESE CHOP by Juani­ta Sheri­dan is a vin­tage mys­tery set in New York.  It is the first book in the Lily Wu series fea­tur­ing a Chi­nese-Amer­i­can female detec­tive with links to Hawaii (the sub­se­quent three books take place in Hawaii).  It is this book that set pro­duc­er Robin Lung off on her jour­ney of discovery.


NANKING is a doc­u­men­tary film about the 1937 Rape of Nanking and its after­math by Bill Gut­tentag and Dan Stur­man.  A pow­er­ful and emo­tion­al film that blends read­ings from first hand accounts with inter­views of Chi­nese sur­vivors and Japan­ese soldiers.

PATSY MINK: AHEAD OF THE MAJORITY is a doc­u­men­tary by Kim­ber­lee Bass­ford about the remark­able jour­ney of Pat­sy Mink, an Asian Amer­i­can woman who bat­tled racism and sex­ism to rede­fine Amer­i­can politics.

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